PROPORTION: The comparative, proper or harmonious relation of one part to another or to the whole with respect to magnitude, quantity, or degree.
SCALE: A proportion determining the relationships of a representation to that which it represents.
GOLDEN SECTION: A proportion between the two dimensions of a plane figure or the two divisions of a line.
THE ORDERS: Romans and Greeks used the diameter of a column to be the basis of a proportioning system which created beauty and harmony in architecture as a whole.
RENAISSANCE THEORIES: Refers to the ideal room dimensions Renaissance architects developed to bring their architecture to a higher level. These architects derived spatial units from Pythagoras' ratios and the Greek musical scale.
Developed by Le Corbusier, this system combines mathematics and human proportions.
A Japanese unit of measure, the Ken was initially used to show the interval between two columns and its size varied. However, it was then used for residential architecture and became and absolute measure. It was also used for ordering structure, materials and space in architecture.